Saturday, January 24, 2009

Spreading out on the web

This semester I'll be posting occasionally on some blogs and websites besides this one (gasp!). I am going to do my best to cross-post or link to those pieces.

Starting now!

Finding motivation in comics - I started a blog with some fellow j-school students. Our goal is to figure out where exactly journalism is going, or at least make an attempt, gosh darnit. My first entry is a reflection on why I wound up in journalism school in the first place, and what I hope to get out of it. It starts, "I didn’t come to journalism school on purpose. But in retrospect, it was anything but an accident..."

Beasts prowl Boulder and spark gnashing of teeth
- Over at the blog for the Center for Environmental Journalism (where I work), I posted a piece about my reactions to a local hearing on mountain lion/human interactions in Boulder. You guys already know how obsessed I am with mountain lions. Here I contemplate the euphemistic language we use to describe mountain lion attacks and whether having more information is really a good thing.

Go! Click! Now!

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